

Do you have what it takes to be a part of the Gator Det?

Air Force ROTC seeks to challenge you both physically and mentally to prepare you for a successful Air Force Career. For this reason, certain minimum eligibility requirements are in place. If you meet the requirements and are up to the challenge, you can rest assured that the cadre and cadet corps of Detachment 150, the Gator Det, will be with you every step of the way. 

For a complete listing of program eligibility requirements, visit AFROTC Requirements. At a minimum, you must be a full-time (12 credit hours per semester) student at the University of Florida or Santa Fe College with at least three years left in your bachelor's degree program. You must also be in good physical condition and demonstrate good moral character. 

Academic Standards

  • Maintain a term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • For scholarship eligibility, earn a minimum SAT score of 1240 (math and critical reading portions only) or ACT score of 26
  • For entry into the POC, earn a passing score on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)

Physical Standards

  • Meet Air Force height and weight standards
  • Maintain a participatory sports physical (GMC or non-contract) or military certified/qualified physical (POC or scholarship)
  • Pass the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment once a semester (Note: to pass the AF PFA is 75% overall, with minimum passes on each component).     
  • Men's/Women's PFA scores for are posted in the tables below.  
  • Men <25 years old       1.5 mile Run (60%) Push Ups (10%) Sit Ups (10%)
    Minimum Score  15m 50s 30 39
    Max Score  < 9m 12s 67 58
    Women <25 years old 1.5 mile Run (60%) Push Ups (10%) Sit Ups (10%)
    Minimum Score  18m 56s  15 35
    Max Score  < 10m23s  47  54 

Age Requirements

  • Most cadets must commission by age 30 (waiverable up to age 42)
  • Cadets pursuing rated positions must commission before age 29

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