Your career after college is definitely affected by the choices you make during college. As a student in Air Force ROTC, the things you learn add to your total education in ways you never thought possible. You can work on cutting-edge technology, get hands-on experience and develop discipline and leadership skills that can turn any job into a rewarding career that's anything but boring. Plus, when you graduate, you'll be a commissioned officer in the largest high technology company in the world, the U.S Air Force.
First, you must meet the following criteria: be a full-time student at either the University of Florida or Santa Fe College, and be in good physical condition (pass a sports physical). Second, you should create an account on and apply for AFROTC. Third, register for the applicable academic class and leadership lab.
Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Availability of scholarships depends on the budget for scholarships provided by Air Force ROTC Headquarters. Bottom your best in all areas of the program and you may have a chance to compete for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to competitive HS students that apply on from 1 Jun - 2 Dec of their senior year. Or scholarships are awarded to competitive students in our program during their freshman or sophomore year.
If you earn an Air Force Scholarship, we pay for tuition and fees (up to specific amounts depending upon the scholarship). Additionally, we pay you a monthly tax free stipend and cover textbooks up to $600/yr. The best part is there is no commitment until you accept a scholarship from us or become a junior in our program. Test drive it for a semester. For more information on scholarships, click here.
The first year AS 100 (Aerospace Studies 100) covers an introduction to the Air Force. AS 200 covers the history of the Air Force and the leaders that shaped the force. As the transition is made to your third year, there is a greater focus on leadership and management training. Professional writing and speaking along with management skills are discussed in the AS 300 class and National Security Policy and other active duty transitioning topics are covered in the AS 400 class. click here
Yes. Detachment 150 has a cross-town agreement with Santa Fe community college to provide AF ROTC to its students. If you are a full time student at Santa Fe college you can start your Air Force ROTC program right away. Register for your AF ROTC classes during registration at Santa Fe college. The AF ROTC classes, LLABs, and PT are all conducted on the UF campus.
The leadership laboratory is focused on providing hands-on leadership and discipline development. The freshman and sophomore years focus on military skills training such as uniform wear and marching, Group Leadership Problems and Physical Fitness Training. The lab is one credit each semester.
Apart from the curriculum, there are lots of extracurricular clubs available to all University of Florida students. Check out the various clubs - Billy Mitchell Drill Team and Arnold Air Society.
Yes. We realize the vast scope of the Air Force is difficult to visualize in the classroom. Therefore, we attempt to provide you the opportunity to visit an Air Force base for a firsthand look at how it operates. You'll be accompanied by an experienced, active duty Air Force officer. Every year we offer the opportunity to participate in a base visit.
If you are on campus, stop by the top floor of Van Fleet Hall, just South of the O'Connell center on Stadium Road. You can also contact us by phone (352) 392-1355 or email.
If you have more questions please check out the comprehensive list of FAQ's at Air Force ROTC headquarters FAQ page.